(901) 485-5248 KarenPhillips.Mediation@Gmail.com
(901) 485-5248 KarenPhillips.Mediation@Gmail.com
There are things about the law and about court which can create anxiety and frustration but Mediation is a way to take control of your case and your current circumstances. With Mediation, you can save time and money.
In Mediation, you control the outcome
of your case!
During the mediation process, the Mediator serves as a guide to the parties. The mediator does not make decisions; during mediation, the parties decide. One of the most powerful things about mediation is that the parties are in control of the outcome. If the parties can agree to a
In Mediation, you control the outcome
of your case!
During the mediation process, the Mediator serves as a guide to the parties. The mediator does not make decisions; during mediation, the parties decide. One of the most powerful things about mediation is that the parties are in control of the outcome. If the parties can agree to all matters in their dispute, the mediation can be finalized the same day. Parties are encouraged and welcome to have their attorney present with them at mediation.
I have over 35 years of experience working with families and as a Mediator, I have been successful helping parties resolve conflicts and crises to take control of their problems and work toward resolutions.
In these thirty five years, I have developed skills as a professional in areas such as Juvenile Courts, Schools and Local Community Agencies. Additionally, I have worked to shape my relationships with the legal community throughout West Tennessee.
My fees are determined on a sliding fee scale, based on each party's yearly income. I also accept Rule 38,
(TN Parent Mediation Fund for Indigent Parties).
Resolve It With Mediation
(901) 485-5248